3562 views | Last updated on Jul 21, 2021 Printing Technology
Students are allotted $5.00 (equivalent to 100 black and white pages) per 3 credit hour Le Moyne course you are enrolled in (i.e., 5 classes = $25.00 = 500 pages).
You can check how much money you have left on your free print quota by logging onto papercut.lemoyne.edu with your Le Moyne username and password. Note: you must be on-campus, to access Papercut.
Once you exhaust your free print quota for the semester, you will need to pay for printing using your Dolphin Dollars eAccount. Black and white printing costs 5¢ per page and color printing costs 15¢.
Check with the IT Service Desk or call (315) 445-4579 if you have questions or problems.
For more information, visit the "Printing in the Library" guide or campus IT's "Adding Funds to Your Print Account" in IT's help document.