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How do I find books and more?

1954 views   |   Last updated on Sep 24, 2021    Research Help Finding Books Connect NY Interlibrary Loan (ILL)


There are several approaches available to you.

  1. Local: Search the Library Catalog to find books, videos, audio, and other materials in our collection.

  2. Regional: Search Connect NY, a consortium of academic libraries in New York. Books are generally delivered within 5 business days. You need a current Le Moyne ID card to initiate a request for a book.

  3. National: Use an Interlibrary Loan form to obtain books not found in Le Moyne's catalog or in Connect NY.

  4. Global: Search Worldcat to see what libraries in our region and beyond have a copy of the book. It is sometimes possible for you to pick up the book at a nearby library.

For more information, consult the guide, "How to Find Books."


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