10002 views | Last updated on Aug 28, 2024 Technology
Eduroam is the recommended secure wireless network available to students and employees throughout campus. This network is intended for most laptops, phones, and tablets that support WPA2-Enterprise/802.1x encryption. Most personally-owned devices will store login credentials and automatically connect when the network is within range. A benefit of using the Eduroam network is that your laptop or device should automatically connect and authenticate when you travel to another college or university that uses the system. IT has instructions on how to connect to Eduroam for
For technical assistance with configuring your personal device to use the eduroam wireless network, contact the campus Information Technology Service Desk at 315-445-4579 or email servicedesk@lemoyne.edu.
For more information about Eduroam or how to obtain guest access to the network, visit the Library's "College Wireless Network" guide or IT's "Connecting to the Internet" guide.